Just Fucking Focus.


I weaponized my ADHD

It’s true. A lot of people who know me say that I can be a dog in traffic chasing cars. This is arguably a superpower in ideation. At the whiteboard, my creative agency staff will attest that this helps me quickly pull from a wide array of resources, topics, and references when connecting dots, developing campaign ideas, or brainstorming strategies. However, lightning in a bottle can be a hindrance and I’ve found it to be a real struggle when I needed to dial it down for execution.

So, how do you stay focused and accomplish your tasks efficiently?
Can the “to-do list” ever be done?

Yes, but with discipline and practice. Look: dealing with the challenges of a busy work life; it's essential to master effective time management techniques. I'd like to help you by sharing MY WHAT, HOW, & WHY on two hugely effective processes that I use daily to cut down on the noise, eliminate procrastination and narrow my focus to accomplish SO much more:

WHAT TO DO: The Eisenhower Decision Matrix

To begin your journey towards effective time management, start by organizing and prioritizing your tasks using the Eisenhower Decision Matrix. This powerful method involves categorizing your tasks based on their urgency and importance. Here's how you can implement it:

  1. Take stock: Begin by dividing your tasks into four categories:

    • Tasks that require immediate attention (Urgent and Important)

    • Tasks that you can schedule for later (Not Urgent but Important)

    • Tasks that can be delegated to others (Urgent but Not Important)

    • Tasks that are unimportant and can be deleted or deprioritized (Not Urgent and Not Important)

Begin by dividing your tasks into four categories

By clearly identifying the priority level of each task, you'll have a better understanding of what needs to be addressed first and what can be postponed or eliminated.

HOW TO DO IT: Pomodoro Interval Timing

One effective time management tool is the Pomodoro technique, also known as time blocking. This is what’s going to help you with your focus. This method involves breaking your work into focused intervals of 25 minutes, followed by five-minute breaks. Here's how you can implement it:

HOW TO DO IT: Pomodoro Interval Timing
  1. Get an interval timer app: This allows you to set 25-minute intervals and receive alerts for breaks.

  2. Work without excuses: During each 25-minute interval, concentrate solely on the specific project or task at hand. Avoid any distractions or interruptions.

  3. Decompress and recharge: After completing a 25-minute work interval, take a short break. Use this time to enjoy a cup of coffee, stretch, or engage in a quick rejuvenating activity. This helps prevent burnout and keeps you refreshed for the next work interval.

By dividing your work into manageable intervals and maintaining focused bursts of productivity, you'll experience enhanced efficiency and concentration.


Remember, a tool is only as effective as its operator. Implementing these time management techniques requires discipline and dedication. Initially, it may be tempting to bend the rules or extend your work intervals. However, to truly reap the benefits, it's crucial to stick to the process. Avoid extending work intervals or allowing distractions to disrupt your flow.

I challenge you to implement these techniques for a week and observe the difference in your productivity. Take note of how much more you accomplish and how focused you become. Share your experience in the comments section below.

don't quit


Really? Great. Maybe you should read my other ramblings which might help you thrive professionally or take a peek at these valuable insights on enhancing your workplace efficiency and avoiding burnout.

By incorporating these techniques into your daily routine, you'll unlock your full potential and achieve remarkable results in your professional life.



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